Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bernie Sanders On The GOP Debate

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, now leading Hillary Clinton in the polls, gives his take on the recent Republican Party debate in this video that you can view here.

Monday, August 10, 2015

New Poll: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton In Dead Heat

A new poll is showing Senator Bernie Sanders in a statistical tie with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. Watch the video here.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bernie Sanders Roasts Scott Walker

Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont, recently roasted Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin at a rally in Madison, Wisconsin. Watch the videos below.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Should "Be Wary"

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont says Hillary Clinton and her camp should "be wary" of his rising momentum. The middle and working classes will not put up with "Democrats" who vote like Republicans much longer. Watch the videos below right here.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bernie Sanders Speaks With Katie Couric: Full Interview

"Bernie Sanders Speaks With Katie Couric: Full Interview" video can be viewed by clicking on the video below.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Should Bernie Sanders Be The Next President Of The United States?

Should Bernie Sanders be the next president of the United States? Yes, I think he should, because he is a real liberal. He supports workers in the United States. He opposes the anti-labor TPP, that both big business Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton supports. Dennis Kucinich calls both of them neocons. Democrats aren't supposed to be another conservative party. He would be a return to the traditional pro-labor Democrat, such as Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, or Jimmy Carter. We don't need two big business parties that are virtually identical. Support Bernie Sanders for president!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bernie Sanders For President

Should Senator Bernie Sanders be the next president of the United States? Yes, he should. We have had a neocon Democratic president in Barack Obama. He has largely continued the policies of George W. Bush. Lately he has tried to get approval of the anti-labor free trade agreement the TPP. Hillary Clinton has remained silent on that, so obviously she supports it as her husband supported NAFTA years ago. That's not what a traditional liberal Democrat would do. Hillary Clinton would continue Obama's policies. Most of the Republican candidates, such as Scott Walker, are controlled by billionaires. The Koch brothers, who control Scott Walker, are anti-labor and want no minimum wage whatsoever. We need a return to liberal (not just socially liberal, as Obama and Hillary are), pro labor, pro working class government, looking out for OUR people, not foreigners and not just the rich. 73 year old Bernie Sanders has served HONESTLY in our government for many years as a congressman and senator. His vote and support are not for sale to the highest bidder. He would be looking out for US again and would make a great president!